Running ASP scripts from CD-ROM or USB using Stunnix Advanced Web Server


ASP scripts are supported only on Windows. All versions of Windows are supported, including Win98. ASP support is provided using Quick and Easy Web Server. You will need to purchase the CDROM edition separately, since a demo edition is included with our trial, and put any non-trial editions of that product to cd to the file /extensions/engines/asp_qews-x86-windows/quickweb.exe.

Scripts coded in both VBScript and JScript are supported.

No installation of any software to the user's computer is required.

Working with Databases

We recommend the use of MS Access engine (Jet OLEDB) for ASP sites, since it requires no additional software to be installed and no additional software to be started from CD. Such a way of storage works fine in read-only mode (unlike many other databases that require write permission to files holding database data, even if data are never modified).

If you need persistance of your database, you will have to code copying .mdb files yourself.

Mixing ASP scripts with other scripting languages

Unlike other products, ASP pages appear on the same port as the main web server. This means it's trivial for your code to generate links to other pages of your site, without the need to compute the full URL of the page by appending a port number of another web server.

Static content and active content provided by other scripting languages (PHP, Perl, Python, Tomcat) is be served by the main web server. The rest is served by an ASP engine.

Internally, an ASP engine is started on a separate port, which is chosen randomly. When a request comes to a resource that should be served by the ASP engine, it comes to the main web server engine, the main web server receives it, performs the same request to ASP, and sends the content that ASP returned to the user (i.e., main web server acts as a proxy).

Once the user tells the main cdrom-based webserver to stop, the ASP engine is also stopped, along with the main web server and database servers.

Property pages in CDBuilder

View it in a separate window